Monday, August 1, 2011

Past few days.

Lots of things have happened in the past few days. The major one being that I am now the owner of a brand spanking new 2011 Cervelo P2. And boy am I ecstatic. It's soooooooo beautiful. And sexy. I still need to name it. I got it on Thursday (or was it Wednesday, pretty sure it was Thursday). I didn't ride it till Friday because I wasn't sure if I was going to return it to the bike shop all the way out in VA and get a bike from a LBS. After consulting with the loving mom, I kept the cervelo. The guys at my LBS were a bit bummed for a minute, and then they helped me get some accessories for my baby.

Friday, I wanted to ride my baby, but had to go to the LBS and get the stuff put on (Edge 500, aero bottle, wing + cages). And get the icky reflectors off. By the time I got out of the shop it was close to 11. I was planning on heading up to NY on a 2pm train so I could be in the city by 5 and get my name down for a spot at the Spotted Pig. (See what I did there?! Oh and excuse my horrible grammar.) Back to the bike. I figured I only had 30 min or so to ride my bike before I needed to shower, grab lunch and jump in a cab to the train station. 

I took it down to hains point, and boy was it fast. It felt amazing. Up until the 25th min, when my nether regions started to....ummm....go numb? I eased off the aero bars and the pedals and took it slow. I definitely need to get properly fitted at my LBS. With that I made my way home, showered and went to NYC.

(The Spotted Pig is amazing. I had dinner w one of my best friends as it was her last night in the city before heading home and then to London to see her boyfriend. Great food. Great wine. Great company. Although I couldn't really sleep because of some acid reflux. Ew.) 


Went to brunch at Bubbys in Tribeca with her before she had to leave for the airport. sooo good. and cheap. I still felt the acid reflux, but I ended up running through it. Literally. Well kinda. I did 6 miles on the treadmill for my long run. I felt great. I ended up averaging 8:14. WOO. In reality the average was much lower if you ignored my cool down. It would have been in the 7:55-8:05 region. 

Had a friends birthday party. Yum. Went to artichoke pizza at 2 AM and ordered 5 jumbo slices. Ate 3. Left 2 in the hotel lobby. Delicious.

Woke up in the middle of the night w more acid reflux. (maybe its like shark week and only comes around once a year?!)

Sunday (funday?):

went to bubbys again with my hungover friends (I wasn't hungover because I only had 1 bourbon and ginger). then went to a friends house in connecticut. saw captain america. (horrible ending btw.) watched entourage. slept like a baby.


caught a flight back to DC. did nothing. slept a bit. watched some suits. went to shake shack for dinner with a friend. and then watched shark week. now its off to bed...

tomorrow calls for a long ride on the new beauty + run and then an afternoon swim + gym workout. 

annnnd break.

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