Saturday, August 13, 2011


So. Wednesday was my birthday. I also got a new seat for my bike (I still need to name it; it has to be something that oozes sexy (but not sluttiness), speed and sleekness.)! I can no longer blame (future) infertility on my stupid fizik bike saddle.

I went to dinner with some of my good friends (all rowers) at bourbon steak. I had a porterhouse. Yum. Oh and a bunch of oysters. yuuuuum. We ended the night at the tombs, and closed it down. Great birthday.

Thursday, I did about 1:30 ride.

Friday, I was planning on doing a half century ride. I decided to take MacArthur out to Falls Road to River Road. I only had 2 water bottles because I found my aero bottle to be very annoying. I finished both my bottles before the ginormous hill that connects MacArthur to Falls Road. I had to stop at a gast station and buy a bottle of water. I had 2 gels with me; a Honey Stinger and a GU Choco. At this point I hadn't taken either; just water. When I stopped at the gas station, I checked my phone and a friend of mine texted me she wanted to "christen" her new bike with a ride at 5 PM. So I had to cut my ride short. At this point I was about ~14 miles into my ride. I decided to continue and just turn around before I hit the 25 mile marker.

River Road.Is.Hilly.But.So.Much.Fun.

I loved it. The hills were insane. The descents are speedy. I hit a max speed of 41.5 mph on one hill. Talk about a high.

My heart rate was all over the place. Same thing with my cadence. I had planned on going out to Seneca Road and go back to DC via Rock Creek Park. But I turned around about 2 miles before Seneca. Pretty uneventful, except for the random car passing me and not giving the required 3 feet. Schmucks.

I got home, and took a long shower and stretched. I went to Chipotle and had a burrrrriiiittto. Yum. And then I went on a 10 mile ride at 5:30, after watching an episode of Suits (which is amazing btw). 

Today I woke up at 9, went on a run with a good friend of mine. I had to run 9 miles, she had to run 6, so I was gonna be running the majority by myself. It was supposed to be an easy run at 9:26 pace. We left Georgetown, passed the Kennedy Center, around Lincoln and then around the Washington monument. We were cruising at a comfortable (for me at least; it was supposed to be a hard run for her) 8:40. Once we rounded the Washington monument, I split off and went around the Tidal Basin and back to the Lincoln memorial and Georgetown. I thought it would be longer, but it ended up only adding about 3 miles more. So I only ran 7 miles at a comfortable 9:13. (I think the actual split should be lower because I had to stop for lights and water etc.) UGH. I didn't know where else to run so I just went home. I know lazy.

That's been my Thursday-Saturday. I'm still debating whether or not I should do something tomorrow. I may just go to the pool. 

One thing though. I've been having some pain in my shoulder/upper arm when I'm in aero for extended periods of time. I think its because my cockpit is too long. 

Anyways thats it.

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